Tuesday, June 30, 2009

SheKnits MysteryBag KAL

How exciting Knitting can be! The anticipation of getting to whirl that Spinning Thingy and the Yarn Roller.
"Nana...Can We Help? "

What a SuperSpinRoller He turned out to be! Now, the Knitting part.....didn't interest Him in the least. The She's, on the other hand, wanted to Knit 2. Yipee...LilYarnies for Nana to introduce into the World of StixNString!

WELCOME Ya'll to My First KnitALong via Ravelry.

What's a Ravelry, Nana?
(Get Compfy, Ya'll...this may take awhile).

Well, Dear Grands....one future WebSpinner-SheepRoller and two StixNStash Busters....
Ravelry is:
A place on the WWWeb for Knitters to meet other WWWebKnitters who Knit lots of Stuff, take lots of pictures of their stuff for other Ravelrs to admire, comment on, make FAVS, and want to Knit the same Pattern to take pictures of and ..........it's a KnittingCircle.

On Ravelry, once you are a member, you can join Groups of other Ravelrers who have the same interests that you have....."Nana, do they have SpinnerThingy's and do they need a really fast SpinnerGuy?" "I'll check with Susan-B, she has an awesome WoodSpinnerThingy."

"Nana, do you have Friends on Ravelry?" I'm so glad you asked StixNStashB #1. Yes, I have FRIENDS, and I can visit with them via TheRavMail....(all three get the email thing...they are a Bunch of Yahoos, too). Once on the FriendsTab you can read FriendsBlogs, Friends Friends Blogs, see what they Knit, where they go to see other Knitters Knittings, and they can put you on their Friends List so they can see your.......and the Circle continues.
"Nana, do your Friends have lots of Yarn, StixNStuff and a KnittingNest like you?" Well, #2StixNStashB, if they don't already have yarn and stix, they can shop on Ravelry and find YardsOfYarn, StixGalore, and lots of NestingStuff.

"Wow! Nana, when I get big, I wanna be a Raveler." You know, Sweetie, you can start right now by UnRaveling that Pile of Yarn you SpunRightOff the SpinnerThingy. Thanks!

Aren't Grands GR8888888888888!!!

TakeABreak, Ya'll. Go for some water, coffee, a full meal deal....whatever, and when you come back I'll ShowNTell about the KnitALong.
Glad you're back. Hope my Grands didn't WearYaOut!
Now for the SheKnits MysteryBagKAL!

Lambkins and I Nested with our Grand RolledWool ready for Part I to arrive on Ravelry.
Yessss, Part I here we go....Lambkins, Susan-B and Me.

Now, this is a MysteryBag, mind you, and I can not reveal any pattern particulars at this time. Part of the contract we agreed upon when we paid BigBucks (very reasonable BigBucks) to Knit this Bag...
I personally don't have EnoughBags and neither does Susan-B.

Lambkins was a big help in figuring out Part I. Susan-B 'splained' most of it to Lambkins and then Lambkins sheared with me. We can tell you that our Kit has PURPLE as the Main Color. This is the BagBottom. Hope thats Okay to say, SheKnits.

TADA!!! Part I Done! I can hardly wait for Part II. I know you are Spinning in YourChair, too!
So, Ya'll Come Back for MysteryBag KAL Part Two!
Watch For It On The SideBar ... Lambkins Will Show You the Way!
PS. The SuperSpinner-SheepRoller informed me that This was Not His First Rodeo with all things Sheep. He was a MuttonBuster (No Muttons Busted) at the Rodeo last year.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

BLOG!!...Exactly What Is It?

Howdy Anne and 1965 Classmates,

I was going to give you a proper definition for 'Blog', but the Websters edition 1961 that my parents gave me when I graduated from college (I probably could have used it earlier) doesn't have BLOG listed. It should have been somewhere around blocky, bloke and blonde.

So here's a SuDefinIshun......BLOG - a place on the InterNet or InnerNet or EnterNet or WorldWideWeb.....really doesn't matter how you spell or misspell it.....it's not in 1961 Webster either. And, the thing is, I've relied on this book through the education of my child and now my grandchildren, thinking, "If it was good enough for me from the Class of 1965, then it should be good enough for them." No wonder my son has to use 'Spell Check' and my Grands call me NanaNitWit.

Anyway, back to BLOG....a place on the WorldWideWeb... which is based on…as far as I can tell on the Children's Nursery Rhyme, The IttsyBittsy Spider who went WebSpinBerserk after the water spout event flooded the WholeWideWorld. Okay....I got off for a sec...on the WWWeb where ANYBODY in the whole wide world via their Personal Computer(PC)....also not in my Webster....computer defined as; one that computes; an automatic electronic machine for performing calculations. Don't you think it's interesting tho, that the name WEBSTER (the book) is used on the WWWEB and those who use TheWEB are called WEBSTERS? Hmmmmm!

Anyway...back to BLOG....via personal computer, share 'Information' (mostly useless ramblings about themselves...speaking primarily of this blogger) with other people known as Bloggers, who also share their ramblings and then want lots more Bloggers who Blog to comment on their Blog. The Information is sent to somewhere in OuterSpace via WonderWhereWireless wires to this WonderWhereWeb which then spins it off to the intended ReceiversPC via their SecretCode that only they and their InterNetProvider know.....unfortunately, we have learned that the Provider CanNot keep a secret.

Wireless? I don't know about you, but I have a tangle of wires behind my PC that makes cooked spaghetti look straight. How they got wireless outta that mess, beats me, especially when even 1961 Webster defines wireless as having no wires.

Of course, I can’t stop now, so I’ll dig a bit deeper into my Vast Teknikal Knolledge Pool and explore some of the more teknikal aspects of Blogs, Blogging and Other TekieStuff. Speaking of explore….the EnterNetExplorer is truly Magic….click on that LilBluE w/OneSaturnRing, and there YaAre….YAHOO and GOOGLE. Finally, 1961 Webster has Yahoo…an uncouth and rowdy person…that doesn’t work…but, kinda explains why Mom sometimes called us kids ‘You Bunch of Yahoo’s’. Webster misses again with GOOGLE….closest word is goo goo…NO,Sue…they don’t want to hear it and you don’t have time or space. Seriously, tho, GOOGLE is a word heard through out the WholeWorldWeb….I know it’s really the WorldWideWeb….my Computer Information Technology DirectorSon told me, and after reading this, he is probably going to lie through his SpellCheck teeth that he was the first to show me the LilBluE.

About GOOGLE….What do you want to know? Name It or Type It (so thankful for Mrs. Walkers ‘I KanTipe’Class) in that little box…teknikly called a Window...another PCism …can’t see a thing through it, but Type ANY word there, hit ENTER Key and ENTER indeed….maybe that’s why some spell it EnterNet! Hmmmm! Sometimes I give GOOGLE a Test to find words I make up or misspell….It comes back with “Did you mean ______?” and shows pages and pages of what I meant.

The WholeWideWeb and the PC is just MindBogoogling. YaKnow, I can kinda see how most of the PCisms, like Desktop, Tool Bars, Window, WWW, Twitter, FaceBook, Blog, Google, Email, Ebay, and especially SpellCheck (which I dare not ClickOn) fit the function they are named for. So Whats With……The Mouse? I’m not sure I would have even touched it except I got tired of moving the arrows up, down and side to side. My Pre-PC mouse experiences were whapping them with a broom or enticing them with cheese for a quick strangulation. Once caught I still wouldn’t touch one…threw out the trap with the mouse and never used the broom in the house again. Now, my SmartMouse is my PCBestBud. Yep, we go HandOnMouse ... Googleing…Blogging….Surfing….and LOLing for hours and hours and hours. It’s ridiculous!

One thing I’ve decided through all this BlogBabble is that whoever came up with the word Blog must have been blonde….and that’s no joke…if I were blonde and the best Webster could do above me was blocky and bloke, I might have come up with a new word, too….or not…if he was a blocky blonde bloke!

So there you have it, Anne. I bet you never ask me another question about Anything! And to the ClassMates of 1965….if you dared to use your mouse and click on the link that led you here, Wayne said to tell you that I am NOT his Fault, and We will see you all in October for our 45th Reunion. Until then enjoy viewing a few of our '65 Album Memories.
ViewingTip: Move Your Mouse over the Pic and Click....to enlarge....Return Here via BackSpace Key. (More HiTekieFYI)

PS This Blog May or May Not Be a BlogBreaker for Ya. But, I’d Really Like to Look Like a BigTimeBlog to OtherBloggers….So Couldya-Wouldya Leave a Comment?

Friday, June 26, 2009

RibRecipe #2...with MockSauce

Welcome Back to SuKnitWitty RibALong!

How were the DoubleEyeletRibs?

Since you are back for another helping, I'm going to assume you LikedEmALot!

Hot Off the Grill ! Eyelet Mock Cable Ribs! TastEZ 4 RowRack with MockSauce!

Did ya end #1 DblEyeletRib on the wrong side?
If YES.....UReady to Go.
If NO....Repeat Row 1 or 2 to end on the wrong side. Now yer ready.....right?

WhipOut a New ScrapSauce (color) and GetGoin on #2 Eyelet Mock Cable Rib!

The Knit 4 (rows 1,3) and Purl 4 (rows 2,4) at start and end of every row - makes seam edge.
Key: k-knit, p-purl, yo-yarn over, sl- slip stitch knitwise, psso-pass slip stitch over last 2 knitted stitches, pm-place marker.

Row 1: K4, pm, p2, *sl 1, k2, psso, p2; repeat from * to last 4 stitches, pm, k4.
Row 2: P4, k2, *p1, yo, p1, k2; repeat from * to last 4 stitches, p4.
Row 3: K4, p2, *k3, p2; repeat from * to last 4 stitches, k4.
Row4: P4, k2, *p3, k2; repeat from * to last 4 stitches, p4.

Repeat these 4 Rows twice more for 2 1/4 inches or 3 sets of MockCableRibs.

You will finish the last row on the RightSide. Purl 1 Row to end on WrongSide.

As before, if you're still hungry....ByAllthat'sRibbed....Have Seconds.
Save Room for #3 Ribs....They take ALil-Longer on the Grill...but I promise....

You'll LuvEm......So, Ya'll Come Back!
Just Joining the RibALong? Catch Up with Outta Scraps and ScrapBag RibALong.

Please Leave Your Finger Lickin Good Comments! Join Pattern Seekers and Follow!


Welcome To Scrap Bag Knitting - RibALong
A Knit Along Started with OUTTA SCRAPS...sCrapBagKnitting
Join In Anytime - It's All Finger Lickin Good & FREE!
Feel FREE to copy and paste this Recipe.

Supplies: Scrap Yarn - I'm using Worsted Weight sCraps...If you have Non-sCrap...Go WithIt.
Bond Knitting Frame with #4 Plate
US#8 Needles - 14 inch or Circulars
2 Stitch Markers - Optional

As pictured, the BabyBACKrib section is knitted via 'Bonda' Bond Knitting Frame.
Bonders follow the BONDERS Instructions and Others the NEEDLERS Instructions.
Here We Go!!

1. With WastesCrap Cast on 80 Stitches and work 4 rows.
2. Knit 60 rows....Change Colors as sCraps will complete a row.
(ends will be seamed in sides of bag - no need to weave in ...Yipee!)
3. With WastesCrap work 4 rows and remove from frame.
4. Pick up last row of stitches onto #8 Needles and remove 4 rows of waste sCrap.
End on Wrong Side

1. With First Choice of sCrap yarn...cast on 80 stitches on #8 Needles.
2. Knit 60 rows of Stockinette Stitch (Knit 1 Row-RightSide)(Purl 1 Row-WrongSide) or for MoreBoredum throw in a row or two of Whatever! Don't Ya Wish Ya HadABond?
3. Change Colors as sCraps will complete a row (ends will be seamed in sides of bag- no need to weave in....Yipee!)
End on Wrong Side Row


SuKnitRib#1 done in sCrapPurple Sauce
#1 Double Eyelet Rib

The Knit 4 (Rows 1,3) and Purl 4 (Rows 2,4) at start and end of every row - makes seam edge.

Key: k-knit, p-purl, k2tog-knit 2 stitches together, yf-yarn in front, sl- slip stitch knitwise, psso-pass slip stitch over last knitted stitch, pm- place marker.

On Right Side ...

Row 1. K4, pm, p2, *k5, p2: rep from * to last 4 stitches, pm, k4.
Row 2. P4, k2, *p5, k2; rep from * to last 4 stitches, p4.
Row 3. K4, p2, *k2tog, yf, k1, yf, sl 1, k1, psso, p2; rep from * to last 4 sts, k4.
Row 4. P4, k2, *p5, k2; rep from * to last 4 stitches, p4.

Pretty TastEZ Ribs, Huh? So, if you Like Em.....Dip your #8's in the sCrapSauce and repeat the 4 Row Pattern 2 more times to have about 2 3/4 inches (ProfAnada Gauge). End with Row 1 or 2...which ever will prepare you to start #2 Ribs on Right Side.
Still hungry? Knit some more...but remember...there are more ribs with different sauces.
So Save Room!
Next Rib Recipe #2 is sooooo TastEZ and fun to DO! Ya'll Come Back!

Please Leave Your Finger Lickin Good Comments! Join Pattern Seekers and Follow!