Lynn Money's new record
"Hey,Hey Sherilyn"
has just passed the million mark.
Sherilyn is helping their family budget, too.
She just invented a nerve pill
so she can ride with Della Marler.
1965 Lobo Yearbook Prophecy
Welcome to the MHS Class of 1965 Senior Prophecy...How True?
Lynn Money and Sherilyn King
As predicted Lynn and Sherilyn did become Mr. and Mrs. Money.
And for sure Sherilyn has heard that not so new broken record over a million times.
Hey, Sherilyn, could you get me my notes on that new song?
Hey, Sherilyn, how many grandkids do we have?
Hey, Sherilyn, how many moves does this one make?
Hey, Sherilyn, are we about up with the McPeaks? Moves, not grandkids?
Hey, Sherilyn, do you have any of those nerve pills you made up for riding with Della?
No, Lynn, I took the last one on your question about how many moves have we made.
Lynn and Sherilyn moved from Odessa to Sterling City in 2006 for Lynn to serve as the minister of the Sterling City Church of Christ. It was their hope to live “the quiet life”. To assist with “the quiet life” dream, Sherilyn retired from Child Protective Services in 2008, but finds herself called back from time to time to do special projects.
Meantime, Lynn has found ways to not only minister to his church, but has extended his ministry to the other faithful in Sterling City by opening his church to all of the community's congregations on Thanksgiving for an all-city worship-through-song fest, as well as participating with the other churches in their special programs. Lynn serves as President of the Sterling County Nursing Home Board, Secretary/Treasurer of the Lions Club, and is a member of the Sterling County Child Welfare Board in addition to his minister duties. Quiet life?
Lynn recently made the decision to retire from full-time ministry. He has been given the opportunity to go to work for a safety inspection company which will require a move back to Odessa. Since their daughter in Odessa presented them with their 7th grandchild earlier this year, this will give them the opportunity to live “just around the corner” from their new granddaughter and her two big brothers. Sherilyn will also have a new job as a nanny to the new grandbaby while their daughter teaches school. They are excited about giving up their quiet, laid-back lifestyle for an opportunity to live closer to their grandkids once again.
And Now Back To The Past and The Money Show!!!!
Arlen says, "Who wrote this stuff"?
Anne says, "I tried to tell him that Hey, Hey Paula was alot eaiser to rhyme than Hey, Hey Sherilyn".
TCay says, "Well, Paul Charlier he's not, and we'll probably get sued."
Kila says, "Let's try Hey, Hey Sam".
Lynn says, "Give me a break, I think I've got it...if I hold my mouth just right."
And so, now you know from whence came the inspiration for the
Lynn and Sherilyn 1965 Lobo Prophecy.
How True...How True!!
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