I'm so glad to have this closet to clutter up with the stuff that won't fit into the KnittinSewinQuiltin Studio. Here's another view of the Madeover space with the MovedOver Bed! I'm going to try really hard to keep it clutter free. Yeah Right!!!!
If only I COULD move this Rack of Tops TOBE Quilted in here. I guess the picture will have to do for now. It's going to be a challenge to get them all done in 2010. Especially since Texas Mother Nature has her panties in a wad and keeps the freezing temperatures around. I wish she would Thaw Out her Thong!
I thought you might like a wider view of the entry into the Studio. Quilta..that's my LongArm Quilting Machine takes her own sweet space and does not like to be crowded. Tough Buttons, Quilta. You are going to have to adapt til you get that rack of quilts quilted!
All that 'PomPom WandWavin' was worth the work it took to do the Studio MakeOver when the WandWaver can share the space with Knittin Friends like SusanB and Gina.
What do you do when all the walls are covered with Quilts and Stuff? Ya start stacking pictures on the shelves. I'll have to Hang them Higher when the shelf begins to get stacked with the YARN I'm NOT Buying in 2010!
Of course there is the matter of the Stacked UFO Baskets! Here's my 'ThinkinTheory' on buying more YARN! "What I have in the UFO Baskets, on the Shelves, in the Baskets on the floor, under the bed, on top of the shelves, stashed behind curtains and stuffed in HERE is ALREADY PAID FOR". Besides some of it was FREE, SWAPPED, BARTERED and BARGINED for. So, with all those $$$$$ I saved last year, I can go BUY, BARTER, BARGIN and BEG for YARN this year! Works for ME!!!
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