Okay, take a Right...I mean Left...Right Here. (She turns Right and we're lookin for a place to turn around).
Now, go straight til we come to a 'Y'inthRoad...Take the Left....I think....side of the Y to Abilene.
Nope, there it is....it's to the Right...I shoulda known.
Okay, stay STRAIGHT on this road til we get to FM89 then take the RightY....I think it's 89 and I'm sure it's Right. It's a ways yet!
SusanB and I can Knit. KnitN-RideN-TalkN in the BackSeat....PULL OVER! Side Road over the next hill, around the bend and to the Right. OMGoddess! I told you to go STRAIGHT! After DeepBreathin and WaterImBibeN...SuNavigates in the FrontSeat!
Okay! Just a few more miles....there it is FM#89...Right to BuffaloGap...Yeah! I was Right...again! Now, to find the Pottery Place...how hard can that be in a OneBuffaloTown? Pretty Hard....when you have to decide to go Left or Right at the end of FM#89. So we go Right! Around six to ten more curves....TADA....See, Ya'll....I knew we'd drive STRAIGHT to it.
And there's the Potter. Please, Pullover and Park....I need some BuffaloGapAir, pottery and probably some other stuff. Let's go Shop!
So Shop WeDid! The Potter, recently featured on TexasCountry Reporter, gave us a tour of his Shop and Studio and then Poached Eggs. Course, We4, had to have an EggPoachNPot, an AppleBakeNPot and Jewelry.
PoachedEggs topped with Cheese and Salsa near Noon....Let's go Eat at Lola's.
That's Right back the way we came in. (See..that's twice I've ended a sentence in a
preposition...Oh,well...I'm Texan).
Okay, TurnRight then Left...I think...Nope, it's Right...I shoulda known.
Mexican Food...RightOn. Lola COOKS...
Wanna Clean Table? Grab a Rag! Wanna Order? See the Menu Scribbled on the Wall...
Go Left down the Hall...Ola! at Lola...In YourBest TexMexAccent, order Tacos...
Grab Yore Tools...Go Back down the Hall...
Politely ask the Locals Sittin at the Table You Jest Washed if you could join them.
Be aware of the rickety chair...Sez So on the Wall!
Also, On the Wall....'Men In Your Group WaitOn the Women'....
We got our own Tacos & CanDietCokes and left a HeftyTip for Lola's Waitress who, since we were Touristas, really did bring us ChipsNSalsa, drinks and Great Mexican Food.
We did go Left down the Hall...Paid Lola...said our "Muy Buenos and Muchas Gracias for the Comida". Lola replied, "Da Nada".
Like I told you, in Texas, you gotta
learn Spanish before you can comprende TexasEnglish!
Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuarto Stuffed Chica's climbed back in the Tahoe...drove Right to
Buffalo Gap Old Town (we spotted the sign earlier)...
Threw back a few RootBeers at the Mercantile Bar...and Tourista'd the Museums. Wanna See? Click
HERE and Be A Tourista Too!
Time to HeadUsHome! SuNavigator (FrontPassengerSeat) has TahoeDriver convinced of her RightTurnTheory and without incident makes all the Right turns back to HiWay #277.
Tahoe's RightTurn Signal Flashes, Tahoe starts the Right Turn, and SuNavigator sez, "Where are you going?
San Angelo is back to your LEFT....Your headed to Abilene".
Tahoe makes a QuickTurnLeft and....O'ChasQuido! (Spanish4Snap)
That was a FedEx18Wheeler....Honkin & GivinUs the NumeroUnoSign!
I Bet He Speaks Spanish, too!
PostSpanish: Sure glad I have a NewSpanish Dictionary. My 'ComoSeEscribe Check' NoHablaEspanol!